Monday, February 20, 2012

Second Blog Post

So I seem to have a bad case of blog-itis about what on earth to write about for my second posting on my very own blog. Everything I think of seems stupid or trite or inane or why-on-earth-would-anyone-think-that-is-interesting. And then I thought that's it! Eureka! That's what I should write about: Blogging.

I would like to admit that blogging makes sense to me, but alas like Facebook and reality TV I also find it baffling. People think I'm a technophobe, and while it's true I don't always like change (confession: I essentially went from cassette tapes to iTunes, with nary a CD in my collection), it's a bit more complicated than that. I love logic, so the need for something new has to make sense to me. I give in to peer pressure as much as the next gal, but only if it makes sense. 

Point in fact- How I was convinced I should join Facebook (a digression):
I joined Facebook about 9 months ago. Previously anytime someone said, "You should join, you'll really enjoy it," I'd say, "I don't know..." They would respond with, "C'mon it's a good way to find friends you went to high school with/lost track of." That's what Facebook is?? No thanks, not interested. But as soon as someone said to me (as I was getting ready to move for the 10,000th time, and after I'd already said it's not for me), "But then I can keep track of you. Know what you are up to." I had an ah-ha technology moment (especially since I AM notoriously hard to keep track of). Ding. Opening a Facebook account finally made a modicum of sense. Though Facebook itself is still kinda baffling, a sensical usage brought me to it (though admittedly, I am sure I'm not living up to the premise of others being able to keep track of me!). 

Though I never had an ah-ha moment, blogs themselves are somewhat sensical. A mess of strung together sentences on a topic someone may find interesting. That makes sense. What I should write about, why the cultural fascination with blogging, why anyone would read mine, exactly why one chooses to blog, is all a bit harder to wrap my brain around. I'll figure it out eventually (or remain a confused participant for the foreseeable future). 

I do still find most of this new fangled social media stuff mystifying (can someone please explain twitter to me? Like quantum mechanics it seems like it would be fascinating if I just understood what it was...) but it does seem like I found something to write about for my second blog post, now didn't I? 

(disclaimer: modern technology was used in the formation of this entry. It was written using the notes app on my iphone. Fancy and technological, right?)

Thanks for reading!
An oldy but goody (photo by Colleen)